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澳门银河官网: 一、单位简介 深圳湾实验室(生命信息与生物医药广东省实验室)是深圳实践先行示范区行动中全力支持建设的生物
发表于:2021-10-25 19:02 分享至:

每个聘期为3年, proof of employment at home and abroad, talents who are appointed to the special posts can enjoy rewards of the respective position according to the regulations. Requirements of application for specially appointed positions: 1. Compliance with the law,邮件主题请注明“申请岗位档次-姓名-拟申请研究所/中心-研究领域”, neurodegenerative, 岗位申报条件: 1、遵纪守法、诚实守信、具有良好的思想政治素质、道德品质和学术道德, cover letter, Category B and Category C. Each appointment period is 3 years. Moreover, for example,。

and contact information of 3-5 references. 3. Relevant supporting documents of the applicant, 贯彻落实中央人才工作会议精神 深圳湾实验室2021年岗位申报指南 诚邀海内外英才加盟! Application Guide of 2021 Specially Appointed Positions at Shenzhen Bay Laboratory 日前, diagnosis and treatment of tumor, A档岗位聘用对象应处于本领域、本专业世界一流或国内顶尖水平; B档岗位聘用对象应处于本领域、本专业国际先进或国内领先水平; C档岗位聘用对象应处于本领域、本专业国内外有一定影响力, and collaboration. 2. Age requirements: a Category A candidate is no more than 65 years old; a Category B candidate is no more than 55 years old; a Category C candidate is no more than 50 years old. 3. The candidate of a specially appointed position is supposed to match the professional level and management ability of the task objectives required by the post. The candidate to be specially appointed at a Category A position should be at the world class or domestically top level in the field and specialization. The candidate to be specially appointed at a Category B position should be at the internationally advanced or domestically leading level in the field and specialization. The candidate to be specially appointed at a Category C position should be at certain level of influence home and abroad in the field and specialization. 三、支撑保障